The Sharing of Feelings
The Sharing of Feelings
The Sharing of Feelings
The Sharing of Feelings
The Sharing of Feelings
Two weeks ago, Miss Li showed us a part of a movie called The Handmaid's Tale. It was about a family of three who tried to cross the borders of their community because they did not want to live in a world considered to be a "utopia". Their community was made in a way where the men were always in the right and they were more important than the women. It was set in the future where in their past, women led promiscuous lives, and when they became pregnant, they went for an abortion. Once they got too many abortions, they became barren. Hence, in their community, many were unable to reproduce.
When they tried to cross the border, they were caught and the father was shot dead. "Order Control" then took the mother, Kate, to test her fertility. She was tested "positive" and was taken with other women tested positive to a place where they were trained to be "Handmaids". The "Handmaids" were those who would be kept as concubines for reproductive purposes by the ruling class. Kate was given a placement at Serena and Fred, a commander's, house. She was to bear a child for them and was renamed "Offred".
After watching just that part of the movie, I was very disturbed. Not just because of the disgusting scenes, but also because of the thought that someone would ever think of their community as a "utopia".
What appalled me was that there was absolutely no individuality at all. For example, when Kate was given a placement, she was renamed Offred to reflect that she was of Fred, whom she was to bear a baby with. Also, all the men wear black to show that they are superior in a way. The women wear different colours, according to what their role in their community is. For example, the "Wives" of high-ranking men wear blue, "Handmaids" wear red, "Aunts", those who train the "Handmaids", wear brown and after I continued watching the show, I found out that the "Daughters" of the "Wives" wear white too! This shows that the people are not given the rights to be a unique individual, to be special in their own way. I feel that this is one of the dystopic elements in their community that arose from perhaps the utopic element of "orderly.
Another dystopic element that has crept in was that there is no gender equality. As the community was founded by a male chauvinist, the men in the community were given more rights and authority than the women. They were the only people who were given the power to drive cars, to even own cars, and to handle the Bible. Also, in the movie, when one "Handmaid" confessed that she was raped by six male friends in high school, she had to take the blame instead of the men. Other "Handmaids" were forced to say that it was "her fault" and that she led them on. She was even called a "whore"! This shows that the men in the society were not to be blamed and the women had to take the rap. This shows that there is gender inequality in the community.
Next, there was racism in the "utopia". Although racism was only portrayed in a small part, I feel that it is still not right. The male chauvinist who founded the community was also a racist and thus in the movie, it is seen that the African Americans were all huddled together and brought somewhere else.
Lastly, there is no freedom given to the people at all in this community. The people were not given the choice of whether they wanted to continue living in that community. They could not escape or cross the border. Also, they could not get a chance to choose what they wanted to wear, whether they wanted to be "Handmaids" or not. This shows that there was a lack of freedom in their society.
All in all, I feel that no matter how much you consider or develop a community to be a "utopia", dystopic elements will still crawl in. Just like in The Giver, the memories still had to leak out to the community and they still could not control the pale eyes that were features of the people now and then. No matter how much you try to prevent the dystopic elements from appearing, it will be futile.
The Sharing of Feelings
Welcome to my blog. =) You are most welcome to read my posts about an awesome book entitled "The Giver" by Lois Lowry.
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I wish upon a shooting star to score an A1 for Literature
I wish upon a shooting star to ride on the red sled Jonas rode on
I LOVE "The Giver"
I HATE "Release"
Those songs were chosen because I felt that they were in a way related to "The Giver". =)
Xiu Yi
Sze Hui
Hui Lin
Jing Jing
Wan Ni
the memories and "back and back and back"
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